Case Bound Binding for durable high quality books
Case Bound or Case Binding, is the most durable high quality binding available.
Case Binding Books
Case Binding - this is how hardback books are produced and is the most durable & high quality binding available.
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- Bespoke menu covers
- Binding types
- Bookbinding Jargon
- Burst binding
- Case Binding
- Case bound books
- Limited edition
- Müller Martini Star Plus
- PUR binding
- PUR bound books
- Perfect binding
- Personalised
- Singer sewing
- Thread sewn binding
- Vacancies
- bookbinders
- bookbinding
- case bound
- exposed thread sewn
- frame sewing
- hardback binding
- hardback books
- history
- sewing frame
- singer sewing binding
- singer sewn
- singer sewn binding
- thread